Match the fact to the correct team member and win a copy of 5 of our latest proofs, so you can read them months before they’ve even hit the shops!

Which member of the Killer Reads team…
- … has shared the screen with Al Pacino?
- …sang in a national Australian campaign about saving water?
- …is married to a TV book club pick author?
- …was once a tudor model?
- …saw the Dalai Lama on the way to KFC?
- …has eaten a tarantula?
- …set up their own charity in Uganda?
- …has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro?
a) Hannah
b) Emad
c) Sarah
d) Laura
e) Helen
f) Natasha
g) Elinor
Send your answers to for your chance to win! Competition closes on Friday 20th April. Don’t forget to keep checking the site for THE BIG REVEAL.