To celebrate the fact that life-changing novel, The Dice Man, will be released in e-book for the first time ever on 26th July, our friends at Harper Collins Fiction will be living by the dice for three weeks.
The price of the e-book will be set by the roll of a dice, but it doesn’t stop there.
Each week they will be accepting a challenge from you. Attached to each dice roll will be a name and a dare. This person will then roll a dice to discover their fate. This will be filmed – just to ensure fair play, of course – and broadcast via YouTube and social media.
You can follow the action on Twitter using #diceman, and get involved by sending in your suggestions to @harperfiction for tasks.
The first roll goes live 13th July. So far they have secured a giant dice costume and are working out what they can do within the boundaries of health and safety.
Want to set them a dare? Tweet them @harperfiction using hashtag #diceman.
- Have you seen this die?
How the prices will be set: 1 – £0.99, 2 – £1.99, 3 – £2.49, 4 – £2.99, 5 – £3.49 and 6 – £3.99.