A Forbidden Desire (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern): First edition

By Robyn Donald

A scorching seduction?

Jacinta knew as soon as Paul McAlpine opened his front door that she shouldn’t stay. Gerard had warned her not to fall for Paul, his cousin, during her visit to Waitapu, New Zealand. But she already had – ten months ago!

She’d kept her distance then, determined not to give into the compelling attraction she’d felt for this man. Now she faced spending a long, hot summer in Paul’s company. How on earth was she going to deny their mutual, sizzling desire?

Format: ebook
Release Date: 13 Oct 2012
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-1-4089-8459-8
Detailed Edition: First edition
As a child books took Robyn Donald to places far away from her village in Northland, New Zealand. Then, as well as becoming a teacher, marrying and raising two children, she discovered romances and read them voraciously. So much she decided to write one. When her first book was accepted by Harlequin she felt she’d arrived home. Robyn still lives in Northland, using the landscape as a setting for her work. Her life is enriched by friends she’s made among writers and readers.