Fell of Dark

By Reginald Hill

‘One of Britain’s most consistently excellent crime novelists’ Marcel Berlins, The Times

A friendship renewed; a marriage going sour; Harry Bentick heads for the Lake District not knowing if he’s going in search of something or running away.

Then two girls are found murdered in the high fells, and suddenly there’s no doubt about it.

He’s running.

Set in his native Cumberland, this was Reginald Hill’s very first novel, a unique blend of detective story, psychological thriller and Buchanesque adventure that was to lay the groundwork for many books to come, taking him into the top ranks of British crime fiction.

Format: ebook
Release Date: 08 Oct 2015
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-0-00-738916-2
Reginald Hill was brought up in Cumbria, and has returned there after many years in Yorkshire. With his first crime novel, A Clubbable Woman, he was hailed as ‘the crime novel’s best hope’ and twenty years on he has more than fulfilled that promise.

‘One of Britain’s most consistently excellent crime novelists’The Times -

‘Reginald Hill stands head and shoulders above any other writer of homebred crime fiction’Observer -

‘So far out in front that he need not bother looking over his shoulder’Sunday Telegraph -

‘Hill’s wit is the constant, ironic foil to his vision’Mail On Sunday -