Look Closely: First edition

By Laura Caldwell

There is no statute of limitations on murder.

Look Closely. That’s all the anonymous letter said, but attorney Hailey Sutter understands the meaning behind the well-chosen words. Someone wants her to investigate what happened to her mother, who died when Hailey was only seven. The death was ruled accidental, but Hailey begins having flashbacks that tell a different story: a pounding at the door…her mother struggling to stand…a man with a gold ring that flashed in the night as he held her mother’s lifeless body.

Obsessed with uncovering the truth, Hailey can’t trust anyone, especially her father, whose secrecy both unnerves and protects her. Desperate to remember that fatal night, she seeks out the brother and sister who left home after their mother’s death. But they have disappeared. It’s soon clear to Hailey that the answer is right in front of her–all she has to do is find the courage to look closely….

Format: ebook
Release Date: 01 Nov 2011
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-1-4089-5487-4
Detailed Edition: First edition
Laura Caldwell, a former trial lawyer, is currently a professor and Distinguished Scholar in Residence at Loyola University Chicago School of Law. She is the author of eleven novels and one non-fiction book. She is a nation-wide speaker and the founder of Life After Innocence, which helps innocent people begin their lives again after being wrongfully imprisoned. Laura has been published in thirteen languages and over twenty countries. To learn more, please visit www.lauracaldwell.com.