My Favorite Husband (Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish): First edition

By Sally Carleen


by Katie Logan

Don’t: Ask the private detective who is trying to prove you are not married.

Do: Whack him over the head with a frying pan when you catch him spying on you!

Don’t: Notice how sexy he is as you’re soothing the bump on his head.

Do: Tell him he’s your husband once you realize he has amnesia.

But whatever you do,

Don’t: Check into a motel room while he’s convinced you’re married–especially if the detective is Travis Ryder, a real hunk whose kisses make you forget this marriage is only make-believe!

Format: ebook
Release Date: 28 Nov 2013
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-1-4720-6878-1
Detailed Edition: First edition
SALLY CARLEEN, the daughter of a cowboy and a mail-order bride, has romance in her genes. Factor in the grandfather in 1890\'s Louisiana who stole the crowd at political rallies by standing on a flat bed wagon and telling stories, and it\'s no surprise she ended up writing romance novels, although she is currently a computer programmer, as well. Sally, a hard-core romantic who expects life and novels to have happy endings, is married to Max Steward, and they live in Missouri, with their large cat, Leo, and their very small dog, Cricket. Her hobbies are drinking Coca-Cola and eating chocolate, especially Ben & Jerry\'s Phish Food ice cream. Sally loves to hear from her readers, P.O. Box 6614, Lee\'s Summit, MO 64064.
