Outback Bride (Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish): First edition

By Jessica Hart

“Are you going to marry me–yes or no?

Matthew Standish–or Mal to his friends–arrived back into Copper’s life with a marriage proposal that sounded just about as romantic as sheepshearing! But then, the situation required practical solutions: Mal needed a mother for his young daughter and a housekeeper for Birraminda. So what was Cooper’s answer to be?

Copper hadn’t ever been able to forget Mal, but she wasn’t the same girl he’d known seven years ago. In fact, she had a very practical business proposition of her own….

Format: ebook
Release Date: 28 Nov 2013
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-1-4720-6798-2
Detailed Edition: First edition
Jessica Hart had a haphazard early career that took her around the world in a variety of interesting but very lowly jobs, all of which have provided inspiration on which to draw when it comes to the settings and plots of her stories. She eventually stumbled into writing as a way of funding a PhD in medieval history, but was quickly hooked on romance and is now a full-time author based in York. If you’d like to know more about Jessica, visit her website: www.jessicahart.co.uk