Temporary Girlfriend (Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish): First edition

By Jessica Steele

Should his every wish be her command?

What choice did Elyss have but to put up with Saul Pendleton calling the shots? Because of a series of dreadful mistakes, she owed him a whole lot of money and hadn’t a hope of being able to pay him back. However, if she signed up with Saul’s personal loan scheme and became his date for every social occasion, then all her troubles would be solved. Or would they?

It soon became apparent that Saul expected interest on his loan–but did he want a temporary girlfriend or a permanent wife?

Format: ebook
Release Date: 28 Nov 2013
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-1-4720-6733-3
Detailed Edition: First edition
Jessica Steele started work as a junior clerk when she was sixteen but her husband spurred Jessica on to her writing career, giving her every support while she did what she considers her five-year apprenticeship (the rejection years) while learning how to write. To gain authentic background for her books, she has travelled and researched in Hong Kong, China, Mexico, Japan, Peru, Russia, Egypt, Chile and Greece.