Skye Brother Babies - The Lawman's Secret Son (Skye Brother Babies, Book 1) (Mills & Boon Intrigue): First edition

By Alice Sharpe

Former cop Brady Skye hadn’t seen Lara Kirk in nearly a year, and yet she could still penetrate his soul with a twitch of her lips.

But with a murderer hot on his trail, seeking revenge, Brady had no time for reminiscing. For whoever was after him also had his sights set on Lara…and the child Brady had never known existed. Now, in order to keep them safe, Brady appointed himself their protector.

Spending time with Lara and bonding with his son made the closed-off Brady rethink his self-imposed solitude. But how long before the past–and a killer–reminded him of all he had to lose?

Format: ebook
Release Date: 01 Nov 2011
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-1-4089-4773-9
Detailed Edition: First edition
I was born in Sacramento, California where I launched my writing career by “publishing” a family newspaper. Circulation was dismal. After school, I married the love of my life. We spent years juggling children and pets while living on sailboats. All the while, I read like a crazy woman (devoured Agatha Christie) and wrote stories of my own, eventually selling to magazines and then book publishers. Now, 45 novels later, I’m concentrating on romantic suspense where my true interest lies.
