Trial Courtship (Mills & Boon Vintage Superromance): First edition

By Laura Abbot

It isn’t easy being a kid. Life’s a trial for nine-year-old Nick Porter. His grandfather wants him to be good at sports, but he’s hopeless. His grandmother wants him to eat vegetables, but he hates them. His aunt Andrea–who’s his guardian–is nice, but she’s always on him about school and manners and stuff.

It isn’t easy being an adult. Tony’s worked hard to escape his past, and that means business always has to come first. So he’s less than happy when he’s called for jury duty during crucial merger negotiations. Then he meets Andrea Evans and starts to think it might be time to put pleasure before business….

It isn’t easy being a family. If Tony’s going to have a chance with Andrea, he’ll have to win over her nephew. And something tells him Nick will be a formidable opponent.

Format: ebook
Release Date: 27 Jan 2014
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-1-4720-6399-1
Detailed Edition: First edition
Laura Abbot , a career educator, and her husband built their retirement home in Arkansas in 1992. After selling to Harlequin Superromance in 1994, she committed to creating stories with happy endings and now writes for Love Inspired Historical. Mother of five and grandmother of eleven, Laura enjoys traveling with her husband. Her ideal day, though, is curling up with a good book on her lakeview porch.