Unexpected Babies (Mills & Boon Vintage Superromance): First edition

By Anna Adams


A troubled marriage, an unexpected pregnancy, a terrible accident. Any one of those flings would be hard to handle. Cate Talbot Palmer has to face them all.

Cate has decided her marriage is over. Much as she loves her husband, she can no longer live with him. But after she tells him she’s going–and before he can even start to win her back–an accident robs her of her memory.

Amnesia is frightening: Everyone knows you, but to you, even family members–including your identical twin–are strangers. You have to trust others for your memories and take too much on faith.

Then again, maybe amnesia’s the perfect opportunity to start over….

Author: Anna Adams
Format: ebook
Release Date: 26 Nov 2014
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-1-4740-1922-4
Detailed Edition: First edition
Anna Adams wrote her first romance in wet sand. The Atlantic Ocean washed it away, but Anna kept going. Her stories are of love, like the proverbial stone in a lake, making ripples that spread and contract and involve. From Iceland to Hawaii, and points in between, Anna and her own hero share with children and family and friends who’ve become family. All this living and loving gives Anna plenty of fodder for stories of love set in real life. Come along and live them with her!