Where The Road Ends: First edition

By Tara Taylor Quinn

There are some things only a mother can feel…

At one time, Amy Wainscoat had it all–wealth, control of her family’s Chicago business, a handsome and loving husband, a child she adored. But her husband was killed in a boating accident a year ago. And now, most devastating of all, five-year-old Charles has been kidnapped, apparently by the nanny she’d recently fired.

Despite the involvement of the police and the FBI, despite the fact that she’s hired one of the best private investigators around, Amy’s determined to be part of the search.

There are some things only a mother can do…

When Charles and his ex-nanny are spotted in Michigan, Amy drives across the state, following every conceivable lead, following each road to its end. As she and her detective grow close, their shared quest engenders an intimacy that’s more real than anything except her love for Charles.

Then, one day, the search is over. And what they find shocks Amy as nothing has ever shocked her before.

Format: ebook
Release Date: 28 Feb 2014
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-1-4720-4664-2
Detailed Edition: First edition
An author of more than 65 novels, in twenty languages, Tara Taylor Quinn is a USA Today bestseller with more than seven million copies sold. Known for delivering deeply emotional and psychologically compelling novels, Ms. Quinn won the Reader’s Choice Award, is a four time finalist for the RWA Rita Award, a finalist for the Reviewer’s Choice Award, the Bookseller’s Best Award, and has appeared often on local and national TV including CBS Sunday Morning.