Wrong Twin, Right Man (Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish): First edition

By Laurie Campbell


Rafe Montoya had known his wife, Beth, was unhappy. She wanted him home earlier, wanted a baby, wanted more of himself than he could give. He thought that being her knight in shining armor would be enough. But then a tragic accident claimed Beth’s life, and left her twin sister, Anne, injured–and he had run out of time. All he could do was help Anne recover her strength and her memory–it was what Beth would have wanted.

Yet when Rafe looked in Anne’s eyes, for a fleeting minute, he had the feeling it was Beth’s eyes looking back at him. His Beth, ready and waiting to give him a second chance. But that was impossible…wasn’t it?

Format: ebook
Release Date: 28 Feb 2014
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-1-4720-8248-0
Detailed Edition: First edition
LAURIE CAMPBELL spends her weekdays writing brochures, videos and commercial scripts for an advertising agency. At five o’clock she turns off her computer, waits thirty seconds, turns it on again and starts writing romance. Her other favourite activities include playing with her husband and son, teaching catechism class, counselling at a Phoenix mental health clinic and working with other writers. People ask me how I find the time to do all that, Laurie says, and I tell them it’s easy. I never clean my house!