
And the winners are…

In December we ran our Killer Christmas Advent Calendar competition! With a fantastic prize behind each door, we had hundreds of entries and we are now pleased to announce the winners! Your prizes are on the way to you now! 1. A collection of no less than SIX Stuart MacBride… Read More

The Ponderings of a Heretic…Part 3

After the – apparently – bloodthirsty nature not only of my last couple of blogs, but also of my recent conversations with friends, I have decided that it is probably in the best interests of my immortal soul to try to avoid talking about torture or execution. Thus I shall… Read More

The Ponderings of a Heretic…Part 2

Thomas continues with series of blogs inspired by this month's publication of S.J. Parris' debut Heresy. Sometimes you read something that just makes you squirm and which you fervently hope never happened to anyone. So it was when early on in S.J. Parris's Heresy when it is mentioned that one of the Inquisition's torture techniques is to place a burning poker up the victim's rectum. Actually, I must admit that this is something that I have heard of before. During a history lesson when my class were learning about the Mediaeval monarchs of England [it's slightly strange how all that I remember of the years of history lessons that I sat through are a few tortures and odd deaths], the teacher informed us of the demise of Edward II. Read More