One wonderfully sunny day earlier in the year, two members of the Marketing team strode out to meet Kimberley Chambers, her agent Tim and her typist Sue in Dagenham – but we were not simply meeting them for pie and mash, oh no, we were here with expert camera man Pete in order to film a video to give her readers a real taste of her latest book, The Schemer.
No hard task, then.We all agreed to meet at Roy’s Pie and Mash shop, where the lovely staff gave us a cup of tea and settled down into it. By going back to Dagenham where Kimberley grew up and the
book is set, we hoped to really capture a feel of the people and the place.

After a couple of hours of filming and a lunch of pie, mash and liquor, we went over the road to the library where they’d put on a display of Kimberley’s books and also of her life! As a local author, some of the staff are really familiar with Kimberley and had really laid on a spread. After many hilarious anecdotes (that I’ve promised not to repeat!) and a couple of slices of angel cake, we set of for Kimberley’s old school. Although it’s changed a lot since she was last there, you could just imagine Stephanie, Wayne, Barry and Angela here – it was like being inside the book!

After walking around the streets where she’d set Pam, Steph and Angie’s house, we headed off to the pub for a spot more filming and a celebratory drink…and then a few months and a lot of hard work later, we’ve got the brilliant film to show you! If we do say so ourselves…
We hope you enjoy it!