Alias Mommy (Mills & Boon Intrigue): First edition

By Linda O. Johnston

Rugged doctor Reeve Snyder had saved her and delivered her baby girl. He was her hero–the kind of man she would have liked to have as a friend…a lover…a father for her baby. If only….

Polly Black had been running from something–someone–when the accident had landed her in Reeve’s care. He didn’t want her gratitude; he wanted the truth, and he wanted her–for the three of them to be a family. Somehow he had to convince Polly that the only place worth running to…was straight into his arms.

Format: ebook
Release Date: 26 Nov 2014
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-1-4740-2247-7
Detailed Edition: First edition
Linda O. Johnston loves to write. While honing her writing skills, she worked in advertising and public relations, then became a lawyer…and enjoyed writing contracts. Linda’s first published fiction appeared in Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine and won a Robert L. Fish Memorial Award for Best First Mystery Short Story of the Year. Linda now spends most of her time creating memorable tales of paranormal romance, romantic suspense, and mystery. Visit
