High Society Sabotage (Mills & Boon Intrigue): First edition

By Kathleen Long

Sara Montgomery thought her days as a debutante were over.

But when top-level businessmen connected to an oil conspiracy began disappearing, her undercover work returned her to the spotlight – and forced her into the arms of Kyle Prescott. Could this millionaire playboy be the mastermind behind the investment scheme? Just when she thought she had Kyle pegged, he stepped in front of a bullet meant for Sara – then insisted on playing protector.

And although relying on the charming bad boy 24/7 was good for the mission, spending long nights together was never part of the plan. But what about falling for the very man she’d been assigned to investigate?

Format: ebook
Release Date: 11 Sep 2012
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-1-4089-6261-9
Detailed Edition: First edition
After a career spent spinning words for clients ranging from corporate CEOs to talking fruits and vegetables, Kathleen now enjoys spinning a world of fictional characters, places and plots. A RIO and Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence winner and National Readers Choice, Booksellers Best and Holt Medallion nominee, she divides her time between suburban Philadelphia and the New Jersey seashore. Please visit her at www.kathleenlong.com, or drop her a line at P.O. Box 3864, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034.
