Taming Jesse James (Mills & Boon Vintage Intrigue): First edition

By RaeAnne Thayne

Jesse James Harte had grown up as wild and untamed as his Old West namesake, but now he was the law in this stretch of the Wyoming high country. That meant trouble was his business–and if he’d ever seen somebody in trouble, it was the town’s new schoolteacher, Sarah McKenzie….

She was as beautiful as a mountain meadow in springtime. But the haunted look in her eyes said she was running from something–something that had maybe caught up with her. He ached to protect her, to take that look away–and make her his forever….

But what could a lady like her want with a lawman with an outlaw’s heart…?

Format: ebook
Release Date: 28 Feb 2014
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-1-4720-7804-9
Detailed Edition: First edition
New York Times bestselling author RaeAnne Thayne finds inspiration in the beautiful northern Utah mountains where she lives with her family. Her books have won numerous honours, including four RITA Award nominations from Romance Writers of America and a Career Achievement Award from RT Book Reviews magazine. RaeAnne loves to hear from readers and can be reached through her website at www.raeannethayne.com.
