Twin Targets (Mills & Boon Intrigue): First edition

By Jessica Andersen

When Sydney escapes the clutches of a killer, FBI agent John refuses to let her out of his sight. She’s the perfect witness – but she’s also a temptation that John can’t afford. Can they control their desire long enough to stop the killer attacking Sydney’s twin too?

Format: ebook
Release Date: 14 Mar 2014
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-1-4720-5757-0
Detailed Edition: First edition
A lifelong New Englander, Jessica Andersen received a PhD in genetics from Tufts, but when the committee head said her thesis “read like a mystery novel,” she admitted she was also writing romance. She now writes full time, and has penned more than thirty science-themed intrigues and paranormal thrillers that have hit the bestseller lists and been nominated for numerous awards. She lives in CT with a cast of four-legged friends, and is hard at work on her next novel!
