Last month, Stuart MacBride visited South Africa for a whirlwind tour of meeting with bookshops, readers, radio presenters and other authors. Here are some of the highlights from his visit!

Stuart MacBride in conversation with Margie Orford (the queen of South African crime fiction)

From left to right: Jenny Crwys-Williams (Radio 702), Stuart MacBride, and South African crime author and blogger Mike Nicol.

From left to right: Andrea Marchesi (publicist at Jonathan Ball Publishers), Stuart MacBride, South African crime author Gareth Crocker, Talita van Graan (Exclusive Books Events Coordinator)

Stuart MacBride in conversation with John Maytham (talk show host on Cape Talk radio, also hosts a crime fiction book show on Fridays)
Stuart’s latest book, Close to the Bone, is out in paperback next week! You can pre-order it now or download the eBook straight away right here.